your grief was so big that when you turned up your palms to me i cracked on contact in an instant my lungs filled with water parenchyma turned to pumice and I fell backwards in a slow dive through the thermocline abyss the world was a tunnel of light first weak then mottled until it was gone for four months i drifted quietly past lost cities spying through unhinged balustrades tube worms growing on parquet floors the translucent skins of young girlfriends baking bread on tectonic plates wounds slashed in the volcanic sea mount so necrotic that they created their own weather patterns of rot and finally settled mute and decisive in the primordial silt an infinite pause a crypt-silent nautilus of waste pregnant with the heavy thing that hope becomes when it is dead in deep sea slow motion a ghost crab pads softly past puffing up years of gentile sediment with its fragile finger bones four days later it is gone from view having silently slipped past the curve of the horizon